Mind Management 101

“Never look down on anybody unless you’re helping him up” --Jesse Jackson
A lot can happen in a month. Between Last month’s inspiration and this one, two of America’s longest running television serials, ONE LIFE TO LIVE and ALL MY CHILDREN were cancelled. Between the two, that is nearly a century of television, and an American Institution. These two iconic shows are beloved by millions of Americans who loved watching their stories so they can be transported to what’s supposed to be a fantasy world, away from whatever problems or hurts they are going through in life.
Soap Operas tackle many social issues and can do this because of the ongoing and daily nature of the productions. Add to that, people have a special relationship with their soaps, and the actors have a special relationship with their audience. To think that this relationship is going to end for these millions of fans is very sad indeed, to say nothing of the hundreds and hundreds of people who will be unemployed as a result.
Of course, the viewers are not going quietly into that good night, God Bless them. Like anyone, they want to be heard, seen, and answered to, and protests and campaigns all across the country are in place. For the most part, things are as peaceful as one can hope for knowing how hurt and angry everyone feels.
There is a right way to get a point across, and for certain, a wrong one. Being angry is okay, how we choose to channel our anger and pain is where the strength lies. Turning our pain onto power is the goal in life, whether we are fighting for our shows, or fighting for our lives. Managing our emotions, so that they do not manage us is the goal. Being upset motivates us to change something, staying in anger and upset can make us sick.
I like to give my feelings their due time. Like a job, I decide how many of the hours of the day I will dedicate to feelings that upset me. I have learned to say, “Oh, it’s 5 O clock, time to get in my pajamas, make a great dinner, pick out a movie, read a book, snuggle with my honey, or whatever makes me feel good.” Then I turn it off, and go about the business of enjoying my life. There are some things we can’t control, and in order to maintain a balance in life, we need to learn when to give something it’s due, and when to put it down in the name of peace, regardless of the injustices.
When you learn to master your emotions, it’s much like turning a light switch on and off, and talk about efficiency! Anger and sadness will wear you right out, learning to turn it off will conserve energy, much like turning out the lights to save money on your power bill. You are a precious commodity, and conserving your energy and creating balance in an emotional environment is important, and I hardly know anyone who isn’t feeling emotional about something. Emotional Peace is the goal in life isn’t it? Everything goes better when we are in that place. What has been achieved is incredible, even if sometimes it doesn’t feel like it.
I pray the soaps (and peoples jobs) are saved, the viewers are heard, and the executive in charge ousted to a place that is perfect for him. Most of all, I pray for peace and unity amongst everyone. Your well-being is the most important thing in the world. You are precious cargo in this journey of life, treat each other as such, and miracles will happen.
Love For sure,
Labels: ABC, all my children, cancelled, Daytime, emotional peace, mastering emotions, One Life To Live, soap operas, tv soaps
You are absolutely right about the toxicity of harboring anger and hatred, even when it is justified. It poisons every pore of your body just like an invading disease. Even when you know you have every right to feel the way you do (as we all do concerning Brian Frons and other PTB), it is best to acknowledge it but not let it overtake your existance. Do what you can to affect positive change in this whole situation (i.e. peaceful protesting, writing appropriate letters, making polite effective phone calls) and then let it go and move on with your life. Then at least you know you have done everything within your power to help. It may prove to be fruitless, but at least you have the satisfaction of knowing that you at least tried.
Reading all the negative hatefilled postings all over the internet directed at TPTB who are responsible for cancelling AMC and OLTL has me really concerned that many fans will never be able to get over what they have done and move on. I worry about the possible short and long term negative health consequences to these fans. God forbid that any of them try to throw themselves off a bridge or go gunning for those responsible for what they see as a decision that will ruin their lives. Frankly, it just isn't worth killing yourself or anyone else over this moronic decision by Disney/ABC. Karma will be their payback, even if our efforts are to no avail. When all their replacement shows fail in ratings, that will equate to no sponsors. No sponsors means no advertising revenue dollars. They will have permanently driven away two ready made audiences with huge purchasing power that will never return to ABC daytime to watch anything ever again, and hopefully Brian Frons will finally be fired for the irreparable damage he has caused. When that day comes, and trust me it will eventually arrive, that will be my sweet justice.
I am so glad I found you, I know I said that before but you put such a smile on my face and I've now learned how to best deal with my anger towards he who shall get his in the end (and I dont really care which 'end' he gets it) .... I am letting it go!
Beautifully written.
I wish it was as easy as you make it sound. It's such a challenge.
Don't use your anger as anger. Use your mind to right the wrongs. That way, justice wins, no matter what the outcome.
Creative people are drawn to creative mediums. Frons underestimated that. That was his choice, but possibly his loss.
If it is, it will be his doing, we are simply proving him wrong
It is an honor to fight for those who so deserve it. Honor is a positive. Use it as your base to fight this and use your mind not your anger.
Anger directed at sponsors only makes them not listen. Agree to support those who will follow Hoover. Follow the money. Therein likes your power, quiet power, but power. Little guys do win - no matter how big your opponent. Don't forget that.
Spenser2 (Jan)
I can not believe that these soaps especially One Life To Live will be ending.
I have watched it since day one. I am so very upset.
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